Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birthday Party Time...

All Bear wanted for her Birthday was a "Walking Puppy". She as a real liking to dogs - but not real dogs. She is actually afraid of any size actual dog. But if it is pretend and stuffed then she loves it.

This year she got to have a friend only party. With a "yada" or you might know it as a pinata. Simple activities are such fun with kids. It did take older brother to finally break it open.

We decorated our own cupcakes. This was much more fun then having a cake already done. Everyone got a candle to blow out.

We also made aprons to wear while cake decorating. It was simple party but so much fun. Bear had a great time. She loved having all of her little friends over to play and after everyone left she has such fun playing with her gifts in her room. Bear is funny about her toys - she always wants them in her room. I don't know if she thinks someone will take them or what - I am quit sure Beau does not want them, and peanut can't crawl to touch them. Bear can be silly at time. I just love her so much!

1 comment:

Buzybugs said...

She is so cute! I like her idea, no real animals! So no poop to clean up. No chickens here because I don't want mice ad snakes. You freaked me out at the snake part. I love bear, glad she had a great birthday!!