Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christmas Came and Went -- Part 3

Festival of Trees -- Christmas 2011

I donated a Christmas Tree this year to Festival of Trees. This was my 4th year doing them.

Each year I donate and dedicate them in Maebelle's name.

This years tree was titled " A Very Monkey Christmas"
I made four monkeys for the tree and used traditional Christmas Colors. I was very pleased how the tree turned out and more pleased that it sold.

I often have mixed feeling on doing a tree in Mae's name. I sometime think people who have lost children worry their child will be forgotten, I watch them plan events and face book endless and I often wonder if they are finding ways each year to make sure they are remembered. I have come to realize people do forget, people continue to move forward in their t
life and endvors. Although I am moving forward most important to me is I will never forget. I don't make a large event in Mae's name each year. I don't speak of Mae at any chance. I share my story in small pieces and only once in awhile. I never want to belittle her special story. I do not want her death to define me. I don't want people to see me and think "she had a stillbirth".

I do find it special that I am able to help contribute to Primary Children by donating a tree, and I do think I will donate each year. When Christmas comes each year,  it is hard to decide where to donate and what charity to help. We often do not have lots to helps others with so this little tree makes me feel like I am hopefully helping.

Christmas came and Went -- Part 2

You all are so Yummy :)

Peanut trying to eat her lips....

Oh Mr. & Mrs. Frank

We Wish you all A Very Merry Christmas...

Christmas Cards -- I Love You. I absolutely love doing Christmas cards each year. I love coming up with new ideas and really enjoy the photo cards the best. This year we used photo props and took our own pictures. The kids had an absolute blast!  It was super easy and really fun. After we finished them the kids continued to play with the props for days until peanut eventually got a hold of most them, they didn't make it past her.

Christmas Came and Went -- Part 1

I spent a good part of the October and November working on various projects. I know I have mentioned this is the past but I still find it amazing how much time as a mom is spent in waiting. Waiting for dance lessons, scouts, school, bike track. While waiting I tend to spend my time crocheting. (I do plan on learning to knit this next year). I like making hats they are easy, simple and require not much thought. I have the pattern memorized so I can just sit and crochet without pattern checking or counting. Baby hats also require little yarn and flowers can be made out of left over scraps.

This was a new hat for a little boy. I really enjoyed this pattern and this yarn was a natural fiber in blue. It slide through my hook like butter. I loved using this yarn and wish I had more, I don't even remember where I bought it. I tend to buy yarn and save it until I have a project for it.

I tried Headbands for the first time this winter. I really enjoyed these. I made a handful of them but when it came time for the girls to wear them. I had given them all way as gifts, we ended up with none of them.  I will be working on them again for the girls this winter.

Peanut with one on!

I made coat pins for some friends this Christmas. I used my sister's vintage Type Set Blocks. They worked great. I used a baking clay to set the pins. I made myself one and lost it. I don't know what happened to it.

These little sippers were for a friends new baby girl along with the hat below. I used a baby weight yarn in soft pink. The slippers worked fast about an hour for each. I just loved how they turned out, and I love the Large Red Rose on the hat below. I am thinking Peanut will be getting a set next Christmas.

Beau and I worked on weaving hot pads again this year. Beau was pretty good and getting these done and only needed help on the last few rows and weaving the ends in. We gave these to a few neighborhood friends along with a cake mix.

I don't know if people really like recieving homemade christmas gifts but I really do enjoy making them. I love finding new ideas to use each year and I love wrapping them and delivering them also.