Tuesday, October 11, 2011

School Starts

3rd. Grade - 2011 Willow Spring Elementary
August 22, 2011

Beau has gotten so big. He is getting so tall and I see more and more of his dad each year in him. Beau is a great big brother! watching after the girl and helping me each day. I know he will do great this year in school. He loves reading and is great with math and spelling - if we can just master the b's and d's remember which way they go. I just love Beau so much I love his sense of humor with a little sarcasm.

Preschool - 2011 - Miss. Debbie's
September 7, 2011

Oh little Bear. You are such a model. Bear loves to strike a pose every time the camera comes out. She is such a sweet and loving little girl. I love watching her play with her little horses and loves playing puppy. She has a great imagination and listen to her little conversations are just a blast. I often hear them while driving. I was not going to send her to preschool this year but she is so social and just loves to learn. It is a good thing for her.

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