Thursday, June 14, 2012

6 Months and Growing

Peanut you are 6 months old. And always a Happy Delight!

You LOVE LOVE LOVE your pink blanket that Aunt Net gave you. You sleep with it for every nap and bedtime. We take it everywhere with us.

You Sleep 12 hours straight through the night. Just like a little Angel.

You have to be the absolute Happiest Baby in the World. You make our house so happy, and I just love you so much.

14 lbs. 4 ozs.
Lenght - 50%
Head - 90%

New Glasses

Bear received new glasses along with a new prescription. This last September. I let her pick out her glasses all by herself while I waited patiently. She chose a nice metal frame bright blue. After having these glass for about a year now...(I am so behind in my blog.) I have come to the decision that metal framed glasses for a 5 year old are not the best. They do bend easily when left on the ground, in our car seat, in our bed, in the toy box. I was much happier with her plastic frames she had when she was 4.... Oh well we live an learn. The best part is she will get to pick a new pair this September.